Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hey all of my faithful spy-ders!
Corny, yeah.
You know the awesome thing about being a spy? You can spy on people and steal their candy!
And possibly top-secret documents, but candy comes first.
And chocolate, etc.
So I have an invention! kind of....
Team Chocolate, Team Candy, Team Cake, and Team Icecream!
If you want to comment about something, put in C(choco) Cd(candy)Ck(cake)or Ic (you know what)
Wishful thinking, to have so many viewers, but what the heck?
Mission: Join a team and eat some chocolate,candy,cake,or icecream, depending on your team!
What's that?
The evil Lettuce mafia are here! I must go before they kidnadsgo as'''''''kh

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hey all!
I'm reading a ton of good books...
Or am I?
Here are the names of my favorite series!
Or are they?
Artemis Fowl
The Secret Series(shhhh)

Eoin Colfer
Tamora Pierce

Well I need to hop to it and get some easter eggs.
See ya soon
Or will you?

Hey peeps!
I was sneaking around the neirghborhood when I heard an enemy say something that made me do a backflip. Which I could never do beause I never took gym! But I digress...
Instead of, there's a new search engine called Ecosia (or Forestle) in which everytime you search something it plants a tree. Yeeehah! I searched random things like ("school") just to save a tree.
I need to jump for some jellybeans in Rio de Janerio.
JK! Not!
Codename Jellybean
Oh yeah!
This is my blog. Which is awesome. And cool. And an awesome, cool blog.
Well I am a secret agent with a lot of time to spare. So I'm spending a lot of time posting my misadventures and discoveries(not to mention random stuff)here. I won't tell you my real name and you don't tell me yours. Well I need to catch my craving for sugar in Itly (thier ice is good) so ciao for now!

Codename Jellybean